We are proud of GenM’s growing Collective, inclusive of the biggest retailers, brands and manufacturers, each playing a critical role in delivering a trusted and vibrant menopause market.

GenM - The Power of the Collective

The future of

The GenM Collective is defining a respected category that can thrive and grow with consumer trust at the heart.

From emerging to established businesses, spanning multiple sectors, they are all aligned with our vision for a thriving menopause market, where we improve the lived experience for all those in menopause.

Improving the lived experience

Improving the
lived experience

By connecting and collaborating with our partners, we can keep raising awareness, shifting attitudes, improving support, increasing visibility and inspiring action

The bigger we become, the bigger the impact we can make. Together we can improve the lives of millions in the UK, and beyond.

GenM - 48 Founding Partner

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GenM - 48 Founding Partner

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Are you ready to make menopause support more visible?

No one brand can do it alone but united by GenM, retailers, brands and manufacturers can all be a part of delivering credibility and trust to the menopause market opportunity. 

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