Burning mouth syndrome

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Burning mouth syndrome - GenM Sign

Feel like someone’s shoved a ghost chilli into your chops while you weren’t looking? Or like you drank your tea too soon, only you’re not actually drinking tea? 

And, hold on, why all of a sudden does it taste like you licked a rusty iron fence? 

What you’re probably experiencing is Burning Mouth Syndrome. Yes, it’s a real thing and yes, it’s a common side-effect of the menopause. In fact, as many as 40% of women will experience it.

Oestrogen is in your saliva and affects the bitter taste buds at the back of your tongue (she gets everywhere, doesn’t she?) which are not-so-handily surrounded by a crowd of pain receptors.

Researchers believe falling levels of oestrogen in the perimenopause can damage those taste buds, which in turn leads to unpleasant sensations ranging from dryness to metallic tastes to fiery pain in your mouth.

You may notice it every day or it could come and go as your hormones fluctuate, but it’s likely this symptom is here to stay for months or even years so it’s really important you take steps to help manage it.

Our advice and guidance

If you think you’ve got this symptom, the first and most important thing to do is speak to your doctor, who will take some swabs to rule out any underlying conditions.

You can also try out these Burning Mouth Syndrome treatments and tricks to help you deal with it in your day-to-day life.

  • Live life on the mild side

    Bad news if you’re a spice lover, but you might have to hold the jalapeños while this symptom passes.

    Swap spicy curries for creamy ones like korma and switch out chilli powder for milder but flavoursome paprika. If you are eating something spicy, make sure you have plenty of natural yoghurt with it to help you keep your cool.

    Take comfort – we know you’re still hot stuff.

  • Stay away from acidic drinks too

    As well as spice, acid can lead to an attack of burning mouth in menopause. Swap acidic pure fruit juices for diluted squash and avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks where possible. There are loads of great booze-free alternatives now, as going sober has become trendier.

    Coffee is another acidic drink, so if you can, steer clear. Caffeine is also thought to encourage a host of other menopausal symptoms too, including anxiety, irritability and insomnia, so you may find excluding it from your day helps in more ways than expected.

  • Kick the nicotine

    Smoking is another burning issue we need to talk about. Apart from being generally bad for your overall health, cancer-causing and really expensive, smoking reduces blood flow to your gums.

    If your gums get infected and you’re struggling with Burning Mouth Syndrome, that’s really only going to add fuel to the fire (no pun intended).

    We know stopping smoking is easier said than done, but according to the NHS, you’re four times more likely to kick the habit with their help. If you live in the UK, your local GP surgery can put you in touch with your nearest Stop Smoking clinic.

  • Drink lots of water

    Mouth as dry as Ghandi’s flip-flops? It’s time to invest in a water bottle you can carry with you to help you keep hydrated.

    Rather than downing water at infrequent intervals, try to take regular sips, making sure you hit that magic two-litre mark across the entirety of the day.

    Keep a packet of sugar-free gum or a dry mouth spray in your pocket for emergencies. Sprays are sold at most pharmacies but can also be obtained on prescription.

  • Practice relaxation techniques

    Weird advice for a burning mouth, right? But being in frequent, long-lasting pain of any kind can really wear you out mentally, as well as physically.

    When you’re feeling stressed out with it, try taking a deep breath in through your nose while counting slowly to five, then release it through your mouth, counting back down to one. Repeat this three or four times.

    You could also try guided meditation which will often focus on breathing and releasing tension. There are plenty of free videos available on YouTube, or you could download an app.

  • Try a mint-free, sensitive toothpaste

    While most of us love feeling that cool burst of freshness after brushing our teeth, it may be worth trying out a mild or mint-free toothpaste if you’re struggling with burning sensations.

    Consult your dentist to see which product they recommend for your personal dental needs.

  • Our advice to her

    We’ve suggested that they avoid spicy foods and acidic drinks, and switches to a mint-free sensitive toothpaste.

    If they also quit smoking, stay hydrated and practice relaxation techniques they are doing all the right things to calm their mouth down.

  • Ask her to explain

    Don’t assume you know what their symptom feels like. Gently ask them to explain the effect it is having on them physically and emotionally.

    You may not be able to do anything to make them feel better. But they may not want answers, they may just need to talk – and be properly heard. Switch your listening ears on and give them your full attention.

  • Encourage her to speak to a doctor

    If their symptoms have been going on a while or seem to be getting worse, gently encourage them to speak to a GP.

    You could even offer to go to the appointment with them to show your support.

  • Create a weekly meal plan

    Planning meals ahead is a good way to get an overview of what they are eating and it will help them steer clear of triggers too.

    Shop for the ingredients together and share the cooking where you can. You could even sign up for a cookery class to learn some new culinary skills.

  • Stub out smoking

    Did you know that if you decide to quit together you are almost six times more likely* to kick nicotine than going it alone?

    Help them say goodbye to cigarettes forever by ditching the smokes too. You can then keep each other going, avoid temptation and bash those cravings on the nose.

    *Research by the Imperial College London

  • Create a weekly meal plan

    No, we’re not saying leave them alone. We mean actually breathe together.

    Slow, deep breaths initiate the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a calming effect and can improve menopausal symptoms. Taking time together to practice and improve your breathing means you’re more likely to keep up with it.

    Yoga and meditation are both great, and there are loads of ‘how to’ videos and mindfulness apps which mean you can practice from the comfort of your living room.

General information

You can also find more general information about the menopause transition at the British Menopause Society and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.